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Rocket League Items they finally acquired the coveted Wraith heirloom

"I bought bundle of coins after bundle," they said. "Each time thinking to myself, 'The heirlooms will come this set of packs.' I knew from the very first crate that I would be entering into a serious sunk cost fallacy but I still couldn stop. I opened up crates until I reached #500, the guaranteed Wraith heirlooms.
After opening 499 Apex Crates, Rocket League Items they finally acquired the coveted Wraith heirloom set - in the 500th crate. "I can tell you it wasn worth it," they said. "I now own every single blue rarity item in the game, along with countless legendaries for almost every gun and legend in the game, none of which I really care for or wanted. All in the hunt for a set of items that has a less than 1 percent chance of dropping."
Their only hope is that the tale they presented "will resonate with some people and maybe help prevent someone from doing the same thing" they did. Needless to say, and as pointed out by one Redditor, this particular player was bamboozled.
We received details about Rocket League new Clubs feature and the progression system last week but today, those updates finally hit the live servers.Previously in Rocket League, players would grind up to Rocketeer in what felt like a never-ending campaign to achieve a fancy title that could intimidate your enemies, or serve as an insult when you still don know how to air dribble or wave dash. Now, however, players can experience a huge quality of life improvement to this system.
on September 05 at 11:14 PM

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