Pretty standard perks, the Archer's speed, I’ve been kind of rocking that a bit more too, along with New World Gold the Dodge and Weave. I just need more speed. Mark is going to be another thing that helps deal more damage to foes suffering from a bleed. Then Evasive Tactics. You’re constantly dodging this build, make sure you’re throwing in a dodge if you’re at full stamina if you can. To take advantage of that 50% damage. Then Penetrating Shot. I actually like this for the PVP, like stacked groups. So just try and get multiple Penetrating Shots in there. Still using Aim True and Arrow Range. Then those are my other perks.
Previously I will recommend going all offensive, but to stay alive I have been liking this Calamity Counter skill. One because it triggers certain things, where you get Fortify after getting Defiance Stance. So if you’re in the right, just throw a calamity counter, it kind of works like a repost or something like that, where you block some attacks for a couple seconds, then it does some damage. It also can inflict a bleed, and if you’re in Onslaught Stance, you’re going to get some crit or through the counterattack to gain some crit.
Just going a bit into this Defiance side just to get some Survivability, and then the 2 skills that I definitely like rocking in PVP are going to be Skyward Slash and Relentless Rush. I really like both those, pretty standard perks, going all the way down to the Onslaught.
I need to mention that one of the reasons why the Boltcaster is so good, especially in PvP, is that when they made the reduction in damage to bows applied in PVP like OPR, it only applies to thrust damage from bows. Therefore, the Boltcaster bypasses that restriction, dealing 14% more damage than a normal bow or even 7% more than one that's half converted to an elemental. This currently exists in the buy New World Coins game, and I don't know how long it will continue like that.
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