6. Trial of Sekhemas Boss Kills
Repeated Zarohk Encounters: The most direct route to farming Last Flame is repeatedly fighting Zarohk. Prepare yourself for multiple runs, as the Last Flame is one of the rarest relic drops. Keep grinding and focusing on improving your odds each time.
Summary of Farming Tips:
Optimize relic drop chances by Path of exile currency stacking relics with increased relic quantity and using the Enchanted Urn Minor Boon.
Use a fast and survivable build to reach Zarohk and clear the Trial efficiently, minimizing the risk of taking damage.
Target afflictions that help rather than hinder your chances.
Consider trading for the Last Flame Relic from other players if your farming attempts are unsuccessful.
Repeated runs and farming different relics can still be valuable for other gear or trading.
By following these strategies, you'll increase your chances of Path of exile currency for sale obtaining the Last Flame Relic and, eventually, the Temporalis Silk Robe.
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